This week we have seen a lot of blessings out in framingham. We picked up 3 new investigators and a baptismal date. We set a baptismal date with Fiona Amollo for Dec 3rd. Were gonna extend 3 more baptismal dates to Frank, sherral , and nick. So Elder Bagley and I were Tracting and we saw Frank coming out of his parents house. We went up to him and gave him a finding faith in Christ video and shared a quick message about our Heavenly Father. We saw him yesterday before church and we taught him the Restoration. We also went street contacting this week with our mini missionary and picked up Shian on the street. We also taught her about heavenly father. Oh yeah i forgot to mention that I got another mini missionary. He was DOPE! but we only had him for a couple of days. His name was Kyle he was 16 and he's from New Hampshire.
Yesterday morning we also picked up sherral and nick. Sherrals the Mom and Nick is her son. They want to be taught separately because nick wants to be baptized and he said that his mom is what is holding him back from being Mormon. Nick is very smart he has read the bible and hes going to start reading the Book Of Mormon. His mom has got a lot of good questions. So they want to be taught at seprate times because they have there own problems and concerns. Anyways were gonna teach them the Plan Of Salvation next.
This week in the last hour of church we taught everyone except for the young womens and the primary. We taught them about missionary work . It was an awesome lesson. We had a lot of good discussion. Someone actually said that the reason it was hard for him to bring his friend to the missionaries was because he didn't trust the missionaries. I was like oh CRAP. But not us , it was the missionaries before us. So that brought to my attention how important it is for us as missionaries to build trust with our members. So i'm planning to see everyone in our ward.
Now I want to end with my testimony that I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families. It has given me the best family in the world. Heavenly Father knew I would need a big family and i'm thankful for his plan for me and everyone who follows Jesus Christ. By following Jesus Christ, I can promise you, we will have everlasting peace and happiness.
Love you All!
-Elder Dalsasso